Educational Resources Some Great Articles To Read BreathingGrowth and Mouth Breathers from The Journal De Pediatria Influence of Mouth Breathing on the Dentofacial Growth of ChildrenMouth Breathing and it's Relationship to Medical and Oral Conditions Sleep Apnea Is OSA related to ADHDThe Influence of Snoring, Mouth Breathing, and Apnea on Facial M… in Older ChildrenPediatric OSA and the Critical Role of Orofacial Growth Tethered Oral Tissue and Tongue Tie 2016-Guilleminault-C-et-al.-A-frequent-phenotype-for-paediatric-slee…t-lingual-frenulumSkeletal and dental characteristics in subjects with ankyloglossiaShort Lingual Frenum and OSA in Children Myofunctional Therapy Articles Myofunctional Therapy and Children With Down SyndromePatients Treated with Orthodontic-Myofunctional ProtocolRelapse of Anterior Open Bites Treated With and Without OMTMyofunctional Therapy - A Novel Treatment of Pediatric SDBEffects-of-orofacial-myofunctional-therapy-on-temporomandibular-disorders